
So, until this weekend, my tally of relatives converted over to e-reading was as follows: Dad, gifted a Kobo and happily downloading his obscure boyhood favourites off; Mom with a Kobo still registered to my account, and to which I do all the book loading; Stepmom, also with a gifted Kobo, happily downloading public library books; and an aunt who had bought my old Kindle off of me when I upgraded during one of her visits. So far, so good, right?Well, it turns out that last one hasn’t quite gone as planned. The aunt was in town for a family event, and related that after she got an iPad for work and spent a few days ignoring the Kindle, she turned it on again one day to find that it now said ‘Stuart’s Kindle’ at the top—and all of the Eckhart Tolle was gone! It seems my enterprising uncle recognized an opportunity when he saw one and figured that his not very tech-savvy wife wouldn’t miss the Kindle too much. So he started playing, liked what he saw, and promptly deregistered the Kindle, deleted all of her books, set up his own account and took the darned thing over!

The happy ending? Uncle Stu is very happy with ‘his’ Kindle, and my aunt was asking me if I was ready for an upgrade yet so she could have my ‘old’ one. So, I have an excuse now to upgrade to the K4—stay tuned for my upcoming review, and if you share a home with reader-less housemates, always remember to keep an eye on your toys!
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"I’m a journalist, a teacher and an e-book fiend. I work as a French teacher at a K-3 private school. I use drama, music, puppets, props and all manner of tech in my job, and I love it. I enjoy moving between all the classes and having a relationship with each child in the school. Kids are hilarious, and I enjoy watching them grow and learn. My current device of choice for reading is my Amazon Kindle Touch, but I have owned or used devices by Sony, Kobo, Aluratek and others. I also read on my tablet devices using the Kindle app, and I enjoy synching between them, so that I’m always up to date no matter where I am or what I have with me."


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