kinstantPortal pages such as iGoogle can be useful for bringing together all the information you want in one easy-to-bookmark website—but it has apparently taken until now for a useful equivalent to come out for the Kindle.

Wired’s Charlie Sorrel takes note of Kindle portal, which offers one-click access (well, given that you have to use the keys to navigate around on the Kindle, even one “click” takes several button pushes, but there you go) to Kindle-friendly versions of many useful or popular websites. It can also be customized to add readers’ own preferred links.

It works best for the Kindle 3G, but older Kindles can access a scaled-down version. It can also be viewed from an ordinary web browser on-line, and I would expect that the simplified format would also work great for iPhones, iPod Touches, or other mini-tablet devices.


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