snowWe had our first big snowfall of the year on Monday! And I was all ready, with new boots, a warm hat and fleecy mittens. The only aspect of my life that was hit hard? My reading life! One of the side effects of the loss of physical page turn buttons has been a dip in my reading as soon as mitten-and-glove weather hits, because I favour my iPhone when I am commuting, and you can’t use it with be-mittened hands.

I don’t know if my snowy home makes it worth upgrading my Paperwhite to the Kindle Voyage, and I don’t know if the ‘haptic’ sensors work with covered hands. But a co-worker recently went fishing for ideas on what my workplace Secret Santa might get me for Christmas, and I suggested that those special gloves with the sensor pads for touchscreen usage might be a good idea…


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