Screen-Shot-2015-05-01-at-10.13.46-AMLibrary Journal is conducing a contest for the best self-published books in the genres of Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction and Mystery.

Full details on their site, but here are some highlights.

They will select a winner and two honorable mentions in each category. Winners will receive a $1,000 cash prize. Winners and Honorable Mentions will receive:

  • A full LJ review, published in print and online
  • A promotional ad featuring all award winners honor books in LJ’s December “Best of Books” issue
  • Recognition at LJ’s Self-Published Ebook Awards Reception to be held during the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting in Boston, MA (date & location TBA)

The submission period runs from May 15, 2015 through August 31, 2015. Authors can submit their own works during the period, but only digital titles will be accepted. Titles will be judged on overall quality, including writing and overall quality of presentation and appearance. (In other words, make sure your cover and formatting are excellent.)

I’m going to submit the latest book in my series, and I’ll be highly focused on getting my next book out by August 31 so I can submit it too. Who else plans to submit?


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