(This is the thread for my ebook video presentation. Click here for the URL of the videostream).

My outline:

  1. How do you read a book?
  2. How do you produce a book?
  3. How do you anticipate a story?

Hopefully, the slides will be up here eventually. For those watching the feed, feel free to jot your notes/comments/questions down here. Here’s links to my delicious bookmarks for the talk.


  1. Robert–
    I enjoyed your presentation. Good overview of where we are, interesting comments on your own reading experience, and thoughtful insights into creativity. I would have added the eBookWise into your $100-200 category, as well as low-end PDAs. I think these represent very viable choices for the budget conscious (no, I don’t sell either).

    Your discussions of shared universes and on writing through mixes, extending the music paradigm was really interesting. My son writes fan fiction in the Yugio (sp?) universe although I am hard-pressed to get him to read novels. On the other hand, I think the glut of Starwars/Startrek SF novels has canibalized the market for new and creative SF–not a good thing.

    Anyway, I had an enjoyable hour and a half watching your presentation and wanted to let you know that.

    Rob Preece
    Publisher, http://www.BooksForABuck.com

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