pandigital_novel.html_587584_g4.jpgThe review pretty much trashes this $200 Android ereader that can also double as a tablet. The author says:

Unfortunately, it falls short of the mark.

As a tablet/e-reader combo that tries to compete with Apple’s iPad, the Novel is slow and inelegant ….

Physically, the Novel is clunky ….

Readability is something you can expect to struggle with on the Novel. … For reading novels, the Pandigital will quickly frustrate.

The device’s performance is sluggish ….

And it goes on.


  1. So a magazine owned by Apple is critical of an Ipad competitor? Really? Whodathunkit.

    It’s actually a pretty good review, though, as long as you don’t mind the obvious bias.

    Consumer Reports has a review of the new Kindle up.

    I haven’t seen it yet, but I figure it’s probably a more worthwhile review. I haven’t seen it yet. But that might be a good read/watch for today.

  2. MacWorld? Owned by Apple? When did that happen? Does that mean “PC World” is owned by Microsoft?

    Of course MacWorld is Apple centric. It’s their niche. It’s what they specialize in.

    Doesn’t mean they’ll automatically give bad reviews to non-Apple products. In fact, they’re fairly balanced compared to the rabid anti-Apple tech press that likes to predict the death of Apple every time Apple does something they don’t like.

    I’d trust MacWorld to review something electronic like an e-book reader before I would trust Consumer Reports to review ANY electronic device.

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