MediaShift and PBS are getting into the e-book business. The first line of e-books will focus on topics within the MediaShift realm.

The books are Your Guide to Cutting the Cord to Cable TV and How to Self-Publish Your Book.

Both books provide a ‘how-to’ on the respective topics with the ‘Cutting the Cord’ book also including essays on the topic.

MediaShift says it plans to roll out more books in the coming months.

These two topics seem like safe choices in first releases. However, these topics (especially self-publishing) have been covered so much with dozens and dozens of books on the marketplace.

The more intriguing of the two seems to be the book on getting rid of cable television. Studies have shown more and more households are doing this (I haven’t had cable or satellite for at least four years). This will show users options such as Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV and Amazon.

Currently, the e-books are only available in the Amazon and Apple stores. Print-on-demand is on the way.


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