Oceanhouse Media sent me a code for their new ebook/app It’s a Tyrannosaurus Rex! The book was done in conjunction with paleontologists at the Smithsonian Institution, so the depictions are as accurate as our current knowledge allows.

This is a neat book for any kid who is a dinosaur addict.  The illustrations are colorful and vivid (they are a bit muted in the below video) and quite lifelike.  Actually I found it a bit scary!  I really did!  I was also surprised that the Tyrannosaurus’ tail was so short – not what I’d grown up to believe.

There are three modes: read to me; read it myself and auto play.  It doesn’t show up well in the video, but in the “read to me” mode the words are highlighted in yellow as they are spoken.  One annoying thing, though, is that in the “auto play” mode you have to quit the app to stop it.  There really should have been a stop icon.

Recommended: here’s a short video of the first minute to give you an idea of what’s going on. It’s $2.99 at the App Store.


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