Random House sent me a promo code for their new Pat the Bunny app. Anyone with kids knows this book and now Random House has done an adaptation for the iPad/iPhone. This is clearly an app to be used by very young children and will need parent supervision. This is good, because one of the neat things about the original Pat the Bunny was that it was something to be shared by a parent and child together.

Here is a little video I made to give you a feel for it. In the last part of the video you will see that you can actually record your own voice and have it used instead of the narrator’s. Great idea!

The app sells for $4.99 but is on sale now for $2.99.  Once purchased it can be used on the the iPad or iPhone/Touch without a separate purchase for each platform.


  1. That’s nice music in the background!

    I do seem to remember that one part of the original “Pat the Bunny” was the *tactile* nature…the bunny’s fur, Daddy’s scratchy beard…Maybe as a supplement this app would be fun, but the book is not to be missed. 🙂

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