NormalUh oh! We have another case of parents being outraged over a book.

This time it takes place in Missouri where a sex education e-book is available to middle school children, according to USA Today.

“Perfectly Normal” shows images of naked people and others engaged in sexual activity. The book’s cover states it’s about “changing bodies, growing up, sex and sexual health.” The book has been around for more than a decade and has received its share of criticism and praise.

The book states it’s for children 10 and up, but some parents do not find this acceptable for children of that age yet.

According to the report, the school district officials did respond to the complaints stating: “it was determined to keep the ebook available as a resource for check-out in the library. If a parent determines that he/she does not want to their child to have access to certain materials, we honor that request.”

Is it that simple?

It probably depends on the method a child is able to check out a book. I don’t know how some of the programs work in schools, but parents may able to submit a list of books they don’t want their child to be able to check out. Inherently, I have a problem with this because I feel information should be available for all – and being around a 10 and an 11 year old nearly every day – this kind of information about sexual health should be available to them.

In this case, win one for freedom of information. The school district could have removed the book based on the backlash, but it hasn’t yet.


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