usadr.jpgWant to be able to read USA Today, the Washington Post and hundreds of other newspapers on your iRex? Then you may want PressReader. Adam B. has just reviewed it on one of my favorite sites, MobileRead.

Overall, Adam says: The PressReader application is very nice if you would like to read one of the supported newspapers on your DR1000S. I highly recommend everyone with a DR to upgrade and take full advantage of the 30 day trial. It’s a pleasure to read a newspaper without having to hold a gigantic stack of dead trees. Personally, I get all of my news from the internet and RSS feeds, and I doubt I will purchase one of their plans after the 30 day period. However, if you’re currently subscribed to any of the newspapers that they carry, it may be well worth subscribing to their $9.95 31 issue plan, or their $29.95 unlimited plan.


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