Screen shot 2010-10-12 at 5.09.30 PM.pngFrom a Newspaper Article:

…LSU Libraries recently announced the availability of six historical Louisiana newspapers online through its Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers Project.

The six newspapers – The Carrollton Sun, the Louisiana Democrat, the Ouachita Telegraph, The Morning Star and Catholic Messenger, the West Feliciana Sentinel and the Feliciana Sentinel – are available for searching online at the Chronicling America website.

The newspapers are the first installment in a collection that, by September 2011, will include 100,000 pages from more than 50 Louisiana newspapers.

Learn More About the Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers Project and Access a List of Papers

Source: The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA)

See Also:Chronicling America Homepage (via LC)

Via Resource Shelf


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