kuTen Great eBook Production Tools (Digital Book World)
So while this isn’t an exhaustive list by any means, it’s a quick guide to some of the best tools for four key pieces of the development process that ebook designers confront day in and day out.

Library of Congress Releases Digital Audio of 75 Years of Recordings (GoodeReader)
Google’s ambitious digitization project has started on that path to preservation, but the initial release yesterday from the Library of Congress has added even more highly valuable content: digital audio of famous recordings.

Amazon Adds 2,000 Audiobooks to Kindle Unlimited in Germany (Ink, Bits & Pixels)
Audiobooks have proven to be Scribd’s secret weapon in the subscription ebook market but Amazon is not exactly unarmed.

First Bookstore Dedicated to Self-Published Authors Opens in Florida (PW)
Frustrated by a lack of opportunity to display and sell their work, self-published children’s author and illustrator Patti Brassard Jefferson and history author Timothy Jacobs decided to create a bookstore of their own, Gulf Coast Bookstore, and to only sell books by indie authors.

Editor’s Note: Nate over at Inks, Bits & Pixels has an interesting perspective on this story.

Kindle Daily Deal: Five Minutes Alone (and others)


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