ebooksThree Direct-to-Consumer Steps Every Publisher Can Take (Digital Book World)
In this post I’ll break down the components of a direct-to-consumer operation that gives readers a clear, compelling reason to buy directly from you as well as the means to do so: discovery; e-commerce and fulfillment; and engagement.

Reading Diversely FAQ, Part 4 (Book Riot)
I don’t want to start this out on a sour note, but I’m going to say this so we all understand: This-is-not-political.

Where Libraries Are Sited Is As Important As What They Do? (Brave New World)
So what has the changing retail habits and property mix got to do with public libraries?

eBooks That Are Better Than Their Print Versions (Huffington Post)
We all love our hardcovers and paperbacks. But there are times when e-books are a wonderful choice, and not just because they are… sooooo much… lighter to carry around.

Kindle Daily Deal: The Professor (and others)


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