bestseller listsGoogle Drive rewards 2GB for Security Checkup takers (Android Community)
The cloud storage will be giving extra space for those who will voluntarily undergo their Security Checkup, as part of their contribution to the Safer Internet Day and to ensure that all is fine and dandy on your cloud drive.

Harper Lee and E L James Command Ebook Best-Seller List (Digital Book World)
As we speculated might happen, both of the titles in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy that debuted last week on the Ebook Best-Seller List last week have made mighty leaps up the rankings ahead of the film adaptation’s release this Valentine’s Day.

10 Signs You Have Low Bookish Self-Esteem (BookRiot)
I have noticed, since my days in middle school, that those who scream the loudest about how great they are are usually the people who are compensating for actual lack. This has carried through all avenues; school, work, personal life, and has now held true working in the world of books. Those who carry the highest degree of self-consciousness about their intelligence are the ones who feel a need to prove their intelligence in ways that actual intellects don’t.

Kindle for iPhone Updated with Book Browser, eTextbooks (Ink, Bits and Pixels)
In addition to the usual bug fixes and performance improvements, Amazon reports that they’ve improved support for digital comics. Readers can now access the TOC of most comic books in the left panel menu, just like they can with ebooks. This feature was added to both the iPad and iPhone apps, but it might not work with all titles.

Kindle Daily Deals: Skipping a Beat (and others)


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