drmDRM: Impediment to Progress or Defense of Rights? (Against the Grain)
Dooley noted that DRM makes problems for library users. For example, libraries have many resources, and they have several types of DRM, which is very confusing for the user who has to figure out what can be done with the content and why it is different from other content. This affects library services because Reference Librarians spend an inordinate amount of time explaining this to users, which is a waste of a lot of time.

How to Make a Bestselling Book (The Passive Voice)
Are publishers still relevant? Do they have any role to play in the process of bringing a book to market?

Somebody Saw This Day Coming (The Digital Reader)
Is it fair to say that Amazon was once seen as the book industry’s savior? Yes. Barnes & Noble and other chains had become big enough retailers of books that they were able to extract substantial concessions (price, terms, co-op dollars, etc.) from publishers. If you didn’t give the chains the books they wanted in the numbers they wanted, those books (and maybe everything else you published) didn’t move.

33 Thoughts on Reading
4. I will read whatever the hell I feel like. No guilty pleasures.

Kindle Daily Deal: Featured mysteries (and others)


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