Netflix CEOJournalism and Patronage (The Glog)
Journalists are expected to avoid conflicts of interest. As I wrote a month ago, personal ethical standards and disclosure to one’s editors are key tenets in avoiding conflicts.

The Internet of Things: What it is and Why You Should Care (Lifehacker)
You’ve probably started to hear the term “Internet of Things” being thrown around a lot lately. If you’re not sure what it means, don’t worry, you’re not alone. This video can help you understand.

Netflix CEO Puts an Expiration Date on Traditional Broadcast Television (TechDirt)
Netflix’s path of disruption has been nothing if not entertaining, whether it’s the company’s attempt to disrupt antiquated theater release windows with simultaneous theater and streaming releases, or its foray into original content.

Put These YA Titles from 2014 on Your TBR List (Book Riot)
Rather than try to offer up a “best of” in YA fiction or round-up the “best of” lists into one giant list, I thought it might be more useful — and fun — to create a short list of 10 YA books that should be on anyone’s “to read” or “to buy” list that, together, illustrate what the year 2014 in YA looked like.

Kindle Daily Deal: Two Crime Fiction Novels (and others)


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