smartphoneIs Reading eBooks on your Smartphone a Product of Availability Bias? (GoodeReader)
Availability bias is a human cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate the probability of events associated with memorable or vivid occurrences.

Social Media and Breaking News: Why Authenticity Trumps Authority Almost Every Time (GigaOM)
When it comes to breaking news events, many people are willing to overlook the fact that some of the reports they are getting might not be verified or 100-percent accurate, in return for the immediacy and authenticity that comes with a report from someone close to the action.

How did Amazon End Up as Literary Enemy #1? (Vanity Fair)
How did Amazon—which was once seen as the book industry’s savior—end up as Literary Enemy Number One? And how much of this fight is even about money? Keith Gessen reports.

Resuscitating Enhanced eBooks (Digital Book World)
Despite frequent and vocal arguments to the contrary, enhanced ebooks still give publishers a chance to disrupt the model, keeping reading relevant for the Twitter and Instagram generation.

Kindle Daily Deal: Because We Are (and others)

Editor’s Note: One of the deals is the excellent [easyazon-link asin=”1612184383″ locale=”us”]Tears in Rain[/easyazon-link] which I reviewed last year.


  1. Re the piece on Social Media and breaking news, I wondered about the meaning of “authenticity” in this context. Is authenticity a simple matter of being on site? Is authenticity synonymous with verisimilitude in this area? The commenter who’s used the movie, Bullit saw right through this false equivalency.
    No evidence was offered, not even the opinion of some noted social psychologist. This is all experienced-based “business insight,” an euphemism for plain old B.S.
    But the writer has “authenticity” because they are presumed to be right there on the front lines of the business of breaking news and social media.

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