seo for book publishersThe Two Sides of SEO for Book Publishers (Digital Book World)
Here’s a scenario: A reader hears about a book you publish from someone they trust. They decide they want to buy it and read it. So how do they find it?

Toy Fair 2015: Toy Stores Add More Books to the Mix (PW)
Publishers represent a small slice of the landscape at the New York International Toy Fair, accounting for less than 30 out of the 1,000-plus exhibitors in the 2015 edition.

How to Compete with Cheap Freelancing Sites When You’re a Professional (Lifehacker)
Thanks to online talent platforms like Fiverr, it’s now easier than ever to outsource work. For less than twenty bucks, you can find a writer, designer or editor. It’s convenient if you’re hiring, but it’s frustrating for workers who earn their living this way.

Amazon’s Top 100 Biographies & Memoirs to Read in a Lifetime (GalleyCat)
Vladimir Nabokov, Tiny Fey, Jack Kerouac, Joan Didion, Anne Frank and Chris Kyle all made Amazon’s latest best of list.

Kindle Daily Deal: A True Novel (and others)


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