tablets in the classroomDo Tablets in the Classroom Really Help Children Learn? (Gizmodo)
What do these mobile devices really add, though? Is there more to this tech trend than just grabbing the attention of students? Is mobile technology boosting classroom instruction, or is it all just a flashy way to accomplish the same things as analog instruction?

Amazon-HarperCollins Negotiations Peek into Public View (Digital Book World)
Amazon’s contract negotiations with HarperCollins have come to a something of an impasse, according to an anonymous source Business Insider reports as knowledgeable about the matter.

10 Authors Who Wrote Gritty, Realistic Fantasy Before George R.R. Martin (io9)
When George R.R. Martin released A Game of Thrones in 1996, he helped to change the game with his grounded approach to fantasy tropes. At the same time, people sometimes talk as though Martin was the first to bring realism to epic fantasy. So here are 10 other authors who were doing “gritty” fantasy before Martin.

The Ubiquitous Bookstore, Or Why Amazon is Winning at Publishing (Ink, Bits & Pixels)
Scholarly Kitchen posted an article yesterday which explains why Amazon is so much better at marketing and selling than the book publishing industry.

Kindle Daily Deals: Spencer’s Mountain (and others)


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