Morning Roundup19 Books You’ve Been Meaning to Read Forever (Book Riot)
A little while ago, we asked you to confess the books you’ve always wanted to read but just never seem to get around to. You know, the ones that stare at you from atop your TBR pile and cause you endless readerly guilt. 358 readers answered the call, listing 383 unique titles. A handful of books came up A LOT, and a lot of books came up only once. Here are the top 19 books Riot readers have been meaning to read forever.

Oxford English Dictionary Adds ‘Tweet’ and ‘Crowdsourcing’ (GalleyCat)
The Oxford English Dictionary has added ‘tweet’ and ‘crowdsourcing’ to its famous lexicon.

Helsinki Library and Zinio Strike a Deal for Digital Magazines (Good e-Reader)
The Helsinki City Library and Zinio have come to terms on an expanded digital magazines. In the first two weeks of the program over 42,000 checkouts have occurred and patrons obviously enamored with digital content they could not get before. The deal, which was signed off on April, is now getting major media coverage in Finland, with profiles being done in the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper and the national news.

Why Facebook is Not the Right Company to Create a Google Reader Replacement (GigaOM)
With speculation that Facebook might be launching an RSS reader at its press event next week, it’s important to think about why users loved the Google Reader experience. Hint: it wasn’t because Google Reader was social.

Kindle Daily Deals: The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon (and 3 others)


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