pirate-keyboardGoogle Now Selling & Renting Textbooks in Google Play Books (The Digital Reader)

Many colleges are going to start in the next few weeks, and Google is ready for them. I’ve just learned that the new textbook section of Google Play Books now has the textbooks that Google promised some weeks ago.

Yes, Jeff Bezos Should Shut Down the Washington Post Printing Presses and Here is Why (GigaOM)

Shutting down the printing presses at the Washington Post would impose a financial cost on the newspaper, but the benefits of such a move — both psychological and financial — would more than make up for it.

The Library Book Life Cycle (GalleyCat)

A reddit user and librarian posted an epic chart recently, mapping the life cycle of a library book.

Time-Warner CEO Says Having Game of Thrones be Most Pirated is Better than an Emmy (Techdirt)

Because it’s so popular — and so pirated (in part because you can’t view it legally online if you’re not an HBO subscriber via cable/satellite) — the question of Game of Thrones and piracy is a story that just never dies.

CBS Blackout Triggers Surge in TV-Show Piracy (TorrentFreak)

Since Friday more than three million Time Warner customers throughout the United States have lost access to CBS programming, including the popular Showtime network. In what appears to be a direct result of the blackout, the percentage of unauthorized downloads from affected regions has risen pretty dramatically this week. Piracy rates of the popular show “Under The Dome” shot up 34% over the weekend, while official ratings dropped.

[Golly! Unavailability of Stephen King’s Under the Dome leading to piracy? Who would have expected that? –CM]

Kindle Daily Deals: Surface Detail, a Culture novel by the late Iain M. Banks, for $1.99; Only the Innocent by Rachel Abbott; two others.


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