gadget hoarderAre You a Gadget Hoarder? (CBS Miami)
Most people like getting their hands on the latest and newest technology, but for some, letting go of the old is hard to do.

How Can Barnes & Noble Compete in 2014 and Beyond? (Dear Author)
As we look toward 2014, the major question to be answered is the future of Barnes & Noble. If you think that the publishing world would be just fine without Barnes & Noble, you’d be wrong.

Ten Bold Predictions for Ebooks and Digital Publishing in 2014 (DBW)
It’s been another exciting year for the publishing industry – perhaps the most dynamic in the history of the business.

New Update to Google Play Books App Removes Option to Upload PDFs (The Digital Reader)
The ever enigmatic Google rolled out a new update for the Play Books Android app and it has a lot of bloggers scratching their head.

Kindle Daily Deals: Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul (and lots more)


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