Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch Resigns (Paid Content)Barnes & Noble CEO
Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch has resigned. Michael Huseby, who was the company’s CFO, takes over as CEO of Nook Media, while Mitchell Klipper remains CEO of retail.
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Internet Archive Now Hosts 4.4. Million eBooks, Sees 15 Million Downloaded Each Month (The Digital Reader)
The Internet Archive is one of the largest repositories of free information online, but it wasn’t until yesterday that I realized just how large their operations really were.
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What Happens When the Marginal Cost of Information is no Longer Zero? (The Scholarly Kitchen)
One of the axioms of the Internet is that bits are free.  That is, once you pay for the cost of putting something online, the cost of distributing each copy of the original material is zero.  People who actually work with online material know that this is balderdash (there is the cost of customer service, maintenance of the hosting service, potentially a cost for royalties, etc.), but certainly there is a difference in the economics of print and digital publishing.
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eBook Pricing Still Hotly Contested Issue (Good e-Reader)
Despite the well-documented and sound studies conducted by some of the top companies in ebook retailing, and in spite of the Department of Justice lawsuit involving the alleged price fixing between Apple and five of the then-Big Six publishers, ebook pricing still seems to mystify industry professionals and consumers alike.
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Kindle Daily Deals: “The Cowboy and the Cossack” by Nancy Pearl (and 3 others)


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