Cloud Customers Have Bigger Worries than NSA Gate (GigaOM)

Nirvanix’ fast shutdown spooks current and would-be cloud storage customers more than the prospect of government spying. At least for now.


Questions (and Answers) from the Society of Scholarly Publishing (The Scholarly Kitchen)

Consider today’s post a bit of shameless self-promotion if you will, but at last summer’s SSP meeting many attendees were shanghaied into a side room and asked about their experiences and thoughts on scholarly publishing. The results are below:


Yes, a Facebook ‘Like’ is Protected by the First Amendment (Techdirt)

Last year we wrote about a troubling case, in which a district court ruled that Facebook “likes” were not protected speech under the First Amendment.


E-Readers ‘More Effective’ for Some Dyslexic Readers (BBC)


Short lines of text on electronic devices may help some dyslexic readers increase their reading speed and comprehension, research suggests.


Kindle Daily Deal: We Need Names (and 3 others)



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