bookstore sales droppedThe Chicago Sun-Times Shuts Down their Comment Section (The Digital Reader)
It’s widely accepted that the anonymity of the internet can turn almost anyone into a troll, and nowhere is this more true than in the comment section.

February Bookstore Sales Dropped 6.8% (Publishers Weekly)
Hampered no doubt by bad winter weather, bookstore sales fell 6.8% in February, to $791 million, compared to February 2013, according to preliminary estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

We are Drowning in Data About Readers and Attention, But Which Metrics Really Matter? (GigaOM)
Thanks to the web and real-time measurement tools, the media industry has gone from having virtually no hard data on readers and attention to an embarrassment of riches — not only can we measure what people click on, but we can measure how far down the page they got when they were reading, whether they posted a comment, which social networks they came from, and a hundred other pieces of data. The only problem is that this is very much a double-edged sword.

I am the Last Page Grinch: My Problem with Unsatisfying Book Endings (Book Riot)
I don’t live in a world of bows (or at least, I don’t live in a world that’s ONLY bows) and I want to see the irony and tragedy of life reflected on the page in a way that’s at once both familiar and surprising OH MY GOD IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR?


Kindle Daily Deals: Under the Volcano (and others)


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