No, Books Should Not Tell You How Long it Will Take to Read Them (The Digital Reader)

Dennis Abrams has a post over on Publishing Perspectives that asks a question that I would like to answer: Should books then come with a label telling you how long it should take to read them?


With Tablets in Schools, K-12 Teachers Must Learn New Techniques (Digital Book World)

As the 2013 school year begins, some of the newest members of the classroom are digital. Tablets are now part of the instructional landscape in more schools than ever across the United States.


Now is the Time to Reform Outdated Electronic Privacy Laws (Techdirt)

Given everything that’s been going on with the stories of NSA surveillance lately, it’s more clear than ever that our electronic privacy laws are broken.


Frankfurt Book Fair Opens to Authors (GoodeReader)

As the countdown to one of the largest and oldest publishing industry events in the world begins, publishing industry professionals are focusing on the Frankfurt Book Fair. One of the more interesting aspects of this year’s staging, though, is that an unheard of number of authors appear to be attending what was traditionally considered to be strictly a rights’ fair, one of the more exciting but distinctly business-oriented aspects of the publishing industry.


Kindle Daily Deal: The Hiding Place (and 3 others)



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