How Book Covers Have to Evolve in the Digital Age (Good e-Reader)Kickstarter
As publishing adapts to changes in the technology of books, one area that still remains to adapt is the all-important cover art. Two unrelated articles today highlighted the serious considerations that authors and publishers need to make when designing the face that will ultimately help or hinder consumer purchases.
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Ripping Off Indie Authors? Let Us Count the Ways (Indie Reader)
Three years ago, when no one took self-publishing seriously, indie authors only had to worry about being ripped off by a vanity press, and that’s only if they were silly enough to sign with one.
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Indie Publishing on Kickstarter (GalleyCat)
Have you ever wanted to independently publish a book? Amy Leigh Strickland, the CWO of Matter Deep Publishing, hopes to raise $8,000 on Kickstarter to create a manual entitled The Indie Guide to Indie Publishing.
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Hackers Increasingly Attack Universities and Admins Are Reaching for Their Wallets (GigaOM)
Universities are learning about more and more attacks on their computer infrastructure, and some are paying more, even if it can be hard to see who’s doing the attacking, the New York Times reports.
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Kindle Daily Deals: “A Bad Day for Voodoo” by Jeff Strand (and 3 others)
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