iphone 6HarperCollins Buys Olive Tree Bible Study (GoodeReader)
Olive Tree is a Christian company, best known for their Bible Study app for Android.

Wondering Whether Printed Books Will Outlast Money or Football (Mike Shatzkin)
When you’re trying to figure out what will happen in the book publishing business in the years to come, any prediction depends on how things work out that are beyond the control of the business, and sometimes well outside it.

The iPhone 6 Will Probably be Bigger. Here’s What That Could Mean (GigaOM)
Assuming the leaks and mockups of the iPhone 6 have some basis of truth, it’s a safe bet well be seeing a larger iPhone this year. Here’s what that means from a usability and screen resolution perspective.

The O Henry Prize 2014 Winners Revealed (GalleyCat)
Allison Alsup, Olivia Clare and Louise Erdrich are among winners of the 2014 O. Henry Prize, an award for the best short fiction published in the past year.

Kindle Daily Deals: Legends of the Fall (and others)


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