irish poetry crawlSocial Media Editors in the Newsroom: What the Job is Really Like (Media Shift)
Monday through Friday, Scott Kleinberg’s alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m. The Chicago Tribune social media editor then begins combing the web for news and trends, catching up on anything that happened while he was sleeping.

A Irish Poetry Crawl for St Patrick’s Day (Book Riot)
We’re taking you on a good old-fashioned Irish poetry crawl, but for this experience you won’t have to leave your chair or lift a pint—unless you want to go grab a Guinness and drink along.

Have a Layover? Hit the Library (NY Times)
The Free Library of Philadelphia recently opened an outpost in the Philadelphia International Airport in the form of a book-themed lounge with free Wi-Fi access to the library’s digital catalog.

How I’d Build a Better Amazon Prime (GigaOM)
The Amazon Prime price hike has me thinking about what I’d really like to see from the service. Think streaming sports, personal shoppers and never having to go to the post office again.

Kindle Daily Deal: A Murder is Announced (and others)


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