Kindle Daily Deal: The Leo Waterman Series (and others)

Are Novellas Coming Back Into Style? (Book Riot)

I was so excited to hear that Pulitzer finalist Karen Russell (author of novel Swamplandia! and short story collections St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves and Vampires in the Lemon Grove) had a new work coming out this spring. Then I heard it was a NOVELLA and I seriously heard train wheels screech to a stop in real life.

Humble eBook Bundle Adds Lawful Interception Audio and More (Boing Boing)

The latest Humble Ebook Bundle has added four new titles.

Netflix & Co Will Soon Make More Money Than Movie Theatres (GigaOM)

Netflix and other video services are growing so fast, they could soon make more money that movie theaters.

You Are What You Recommend: Publishers Must be Vigilant with ‘Related Links’ Revenue (Media Shift)

Content discovery has become essential to publishers in recent months, and it’s worth exploring the reasons behind its explosive growth and near universal adoption and the dangers that publishers face when abusing the format by preferring short-term financial gain over long-term user trust.


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