oyster expands to androidEbook subscription site Oyster expands to Android, Kindle Fire and Nook tablets (GigaOM)
The $9.95 per month ebook subscription service Oyster, which was previously only available on iOS, expanded to Android, Kindle Fire and Nook HD tablets Tuesday.

The Best eReader for Android (Lifehacker)
Reading ebooks on Android used to be just okay. Now it’s awesome.

How Much Money the Biggest Publishers Actually Make (Digital Book World)
Over the past ten years, sales at the largest publishers in the world have leveled as the book industry felt the effects of recession and of the ebook revolution.

Appeals Court Rules Sherlock Holmes is in the Public Domain (The Digital Reader)
The Conan Doyle estate suffered another defeat today in their efforts to profit off of the work of the long dead author.

Kindle Daily Deal: The Coroner’s Lunch (and others)


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