subscription servicesPublishers Are Signing Up with eBook Subscription Services in Droves (The Digital Reader)
Hot on the heels of news that Oyster had signed a trio of publishers comes new reports that their competition is doing the same.

eBook Best-Seller Prices on the Upswing, but Overall Trend is Down (Digital Book World)
In the nearly two years Digital Book World has been measuring the average price of a best-selling ebook, the trend has been unmistakable: down.

Advance Reader Copies: to Buy or Not to Buy? (Book Riot)
The bookgeek in me was screaming, “Cheap books you can afford! Yay!” The writer in me was saying, “You know the author and publisher aren’t making any money when you buy this. Do you really want to do this?”

When an Author Should Self-Publish, and How That Might Change (Mike Shatzkin)
There is a question that every agent and publisher is dealing with, because authors surely are. And that’s this: when should an author self- (or indie-) publish?

Kindle Daily Deals: Mornings in Jenin (and others)


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