B&N Nook Digital ShopB&N/Microsoft Finalize Partnership, Creating Nook Media (GigaOM)

Publishers Adapt to Digital Market (Good E-Reader)

Audiobook Self-Publishing: A Brief Primer
(Publisher’s Weekly)

How to Pick an eReader (Digital Trends)

Kindle Daily Deal: Boardwalk Empire by Nelson Johnson (&) Hush Little Baby by Sylvia Long


  1. Something else to consider with Steam: we trust Valve. They eanerd their trust over the years, so the player base trusts them not to shut down their servers unduly soon and screw people over. I’m a happy Steam customer, too. I always look on Steam first when it comes to buying games, and even if it’s the same price as the in-store retail copy, I’ll choose the Steam version. There are two things about Steam I don’t like, though: they don’t cloud-save your games (allow you to store your saved game files on their servers so you can access them anywhere) and you can’t sell or give away a game when you’re done. I would like to be able to transfer my games to someone else when I’m done playing them, the same way I could hand a game disc over to someone else. Right now, the only way to do it is to allow someone else to log in to my account.

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