Piracy.lab study investigates ebook piracy (Melville House)
Columbia University has studied ebook piracy and is testing the “accepted” truths about the effect on sales and the industry.

Kids Have Easier Time Reading When Read to by iPad, New Study Says (The Digital Book World)
Parents aren’t the only ones who can read to their kids. Children also do well when read to by an iPad.

Told by an idiot, No. 6 (Bondwine Books)
An absolutely priceless satirical take on a ridiculous self-publishing article. With tongue firmly in cheek, the author “proves” that, among other things, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn isn’t actually a book.

Kindle Daily Deals: Death of Kings (and 4 others)


  1. An amusing rant from Bondwine books full of cherry picking and hubris. Very, very, very few authors have the skill of Mark Twain (published or self-published) and professional publishers will flood the market with Snooki Stackedhouse books because enough people will buy them.

    I’ve only read a dozen or so self published books and the quality ranged from mediocre, poor, to incompetent. Considering the vast number of works self published, there probably should be better ones out there if I could find them among the heaps of dross.

    As I see it, the the self publishing fad is a nitch market for readers who self publish their own works. I don’t have a book to self publish so don’t migrate to self published authors. This could change when more professional authors quit publishing and go for it alone.

    But are self published books real books? The answer is probably yes and no. Ate the old style vanity press books from Vantage “real” books? Yes, the books really existed and you could hold them; but, no, they were not “published” by professionals. The same holds true for ebook self publishers — expect they don’t have to fork over as much expenses.

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