tablet magazinesAmazon Expands Kindle Unlimited to UK (Digital Book World)
UK readers today gain access to the subscription ebook program Amazon launched in the U.S. in July this year.

Review: Culture vs Copyright (Indie Reader)
CULTURE VS. COPYRIGHT is an intelligent, thoughtful and lively discussion of intellectual property rights and their purpose in the larger society. It is at very least a useful contribution to a vigorous public conversation about creativity and its rewards in a free society.

Personality & Polish: In Love with Kitchen Libraries (Apartment Therapy)
There’s something so romantic about a library, especially now that we’re cemented in the digital age where almost everything—novels, magazines, cookbooks—is bought and read online.

Why Your Tablet Magazine Isn’t Getting Any Better (Media Shift)
I looked at my first tablet magazine in 2010. With a few exceptions, the ones I look at today aren’t all that different now than they were then.

Kindle Daily Deal: The 13th Valley (and others)


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