Roman bloodI do not like murder mysteries but I’m a sucker for anything to do with ancient Rome. So my ears (eyes) perked up when I saw this post in The Kindle Reader. It’s a compilation of some works by contemporary mystery authors who set their story in ancient Rome. I’ll think that I will try one of them and see if I can get past the mystery part.

The novels discussed are:

Roman Blood, by Steven Saylor
Medicus, by Ruth Downie
The Silver Pigs, by Lindsey Davis
Caveat Emptor, by Ruth Downie
Arms of Nemesis, by Steven Saylor
SPQR I; The Kings Gambit, by John Maddox Roberts
Roman Games, by Bruce MacBAin
Two for the Lions, by Lindsey Davis

I note that the prices run from free to $9.99, with most of the stuff below that price.


  1. I think Steven Saylor is excellent, and there’s really been no ‘weak’ books in the series. Lyndsey Davis’s series is humorous, with some dark moments. Venus in Copper is my favorite, but shouldn’t be read before The Silver Pigs (at least). I think some books in the series are weaker than others, but still good. Both series have extremely strong characters and there’s been development over the series, so it’s not like there’s no forward movement.

    I’ve read several of John Maddox Roberts SPQR series about when I was starting Saylor. I thought Saylor’s books were better.

    I just purchased Medicus, but haven’t read it yet.

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