Read all the installments of “My DRM-Free Year”
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov-Dec

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Happy July, everyone!

June was an exceptionally busy month for me, and I found myself doing a lot of reading in bits and pieces. It just seemed more satisfying to actually be able to finish something, even if it was only a short story snuck in on the iPhone during a bus ride home from work.

DRM-FreeI am ‘off’ for the summer now, but juggling two on-line courses and some other commitments. I do hope to have more reading time though!

So, what did I read in June?

1. Delphi Classics

I did some playing around with the Calibre plug-in ‘epub split’ and checked out the Sherlock Holmes stories and the Andrew Lang fairy stories.

My verdict? The massive Delphi collections are a good buy for authors like Lang, who have so many books it would be hard to collect them all, or Doyle, who has some rare works not available elsewhere. But if you want to read a very commonly available work by a classic author, you can do better elsewhere.

I marked numerous errors for correction in each book, most of them wonky punctuation issues. I did quickly glance through the extras on the Holmes books just to see, but then I replaced my Holmes anthology with a much better edited version from Mobile Read.

2. Library BooksDRM-Free

I have also been randomly dipping into a few collections I got from the library, by E.L. Doctorow, Neil Gaiman and a few others. The first story in the Doctorow collection was similar to a story in our family lore about a long-passed relative–truth imitates fiction!

3. Magazines

I somehow got a free subscription at Zinio to a trashy gossip weekly awhile back, and I have to admit, I’ve become addicted! It’s sad how much of my reading time gets sucked up by things like this–websites, blogs, articles and so on that you hardly even remember later…

So, what’s on tap for July? We’ll see!DRM-Free

I am in the mood for a good forensics-based mystery to complement the “Bones” series, which I’ve been watching on Netflix. Sadly, I find the author of the books it was based on to be not quite my thing, and I’ve already read most of the other big-name authors in this genre.

Anybody want to recommend a good indie mystery writer who does this kind of thing?


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