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I’m excited to be teaching a set of two 90-minute workshops for ALA TechSource in December about eBooks.  The title is E-Books and Access: Upholding Library Values, held the 7th and 14th of December.

So what am I going to talk about?

  • Review of the various for-profit, non-profit, and free sources for e-books
  • Critical licensing terms to consider when acquiring e-books
  • The evolving notion of the e-book
  • How library e-book services can be guided by library values

If you have things you want to make sure I cover, comment below or drop me an email or DM or Skype or chat or whatever :)

The world of eBooks is always changing and so much has happened just in the last couple of days with Amazon announcing their “lending library” (and I do put that in quotes for a reason), changes to eBrary and Gale eBooks, etc.  I put together a reading list of a few key posts that I think help frame the discussion of digital content in libraries.

You can sign up for the workshop now, either as an individual or with the group rate for your library.

Via Librarian in Black


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