small.jpgFrom the press release by publisher Winged Chariot. It’s nice to see that publishers are starting to get creative:

The app called Scruffy Kitty, from the American artist Michael Slack, has a new feature that gives us a glimpse of the future for children’s literature. And that future is both magical and simple. You buy the app as usual from the iTunes web store, read it, enjoy the animations and make the most of the digital stickers – to the delight of all. Then on a defined and secret date you open the story on your iPad and the app will unlock a whole new layer of images! In the case of Scruffy Kitty it’s a special version of the story just for Halloween.

The app comes in 5 languages English, Dutch, French, Japanese and Spanish. It has beautifully rendered page curls and shadows, lovely animation, fun audio and a lovely digital sticker pad to play with pictures and learn words in the different languages



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