
Always good to see a new book review coming online.  This one will do ebooks as well as print.  Here’s what they say about themselves:

About the TRB

An online quarterly, The Toronto Review of Books covers print and e-books, but also anything else that intrigues our writers. We’ll review websites, art, policy, cloud formations, and everything in between. Books are our inspiration, not our limit.

Our blog, Chirograph, will post updates on Toronto’s exploits. From closet dramas in community centres to outdoor film screenings, from literary festivals to illustration shows, from street parties to opera, Chirograph will be a hub for quick reports on culture of all kinds. Hosted by CBC Radio’s David Michael Lamb, our podcast will bring listeners Toronto talks and panels, our authors reading their TRB articles, and our own speakers series, City WIDEN (Workshops for Interest, Discussion, Exchange, & Novelty).

The TRB aims to combine the miscellany of blogging with the editorial rigour of traditional print media, while embracing both books on paper and new media. We’ve built the website to be a platform for ideas, and perspectives. We’re looking to collaborate, so let us know what you’d like to read about, and what you’d like to write, draw, film, design, or generally articulate.


The TeleRead community values your civil and thoughtful comments. We use a cache, so expect a delay. Problems? E-mail newteleread@gmail.com.