fbm_logo_small.gifThe following is being announced at the Frankfurt Book Fair today by LibreDigital:

Women are spending nearly 70 percent more time browsing books online than men.

The most popular genre of books browsed online is romance novels, followed by books for tweens/teens and business readers.

An average reader spends more than 15 minutes browsing a book. They also preview an average of 46 pages of each book they browse.

Adults are more likely to share links to content via email, while younger readers prefer to share within social networks like Facebook and MySpace

The high-level review also found that people who browsed books online were more likely to purchase both print and eBook titles. These trends are important for publishers and authors seeking to market their content to digital consumers.

Evidently LibreDitigal developed this information as a result of looking at how readers sampled LibreDigital’s online book content over the past 15 months. LibreDigital has provided over 500 million page views of sample book chapters and content, the release says.


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