Screen shot 2010-12-22 at 10.19.50 AM.pngStephen Windwalker of Kindle Nation Daily has just published Kindle Free For All. It’s available at the Kindle store for $0.99 during the holiday season.

Thanks to some great help from talented editor and author April Hamilton, we have worked hard to hit the sweet spot in making this book the most complete and easy-to-use resource yet for finding all kinds of free content for your Kindle and other Kindle-compatible devices, with useful information on millions of free ebooks, free audio books, and free periodical, blog, and research content for Kindle.

If any of you are giving a Kindle for Christmas this might be a neat present to go along with it – now that Amazon allows you to gift ebooks. The full table of contents is at the link above.


  1. Thanks, Paul!

    And @igorsk – you’re right. I asked, and spent a fair amount of time making the case for it to be offered free, but they don’t allow indie authors and publishers that latitude — only the corporate publishers, at least *for now.*

    Not that I don’t think it is worth at least 97 cents.


  2. Just a thought. Some authors publish their 99ers on SmashWords at 0 as well. This helps me in Africa as we also pay a $2 surcharge on each Kindle book – even most of the free ones. Of course, most non-pd books offered at 0 in US still have a price outside for publishing reasons.

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