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From a Digital Library Blog Post by Megan Greer:

The post beings with a brief explanation about why the Kindle does not work with OverDrive e-books and suggests Jason Griffey’s, “eBooks, filetype, and DRM” article as a great resource to find a “clear and thorough” explanation.

She then introduces the eBook Devices Cheat Sheet (PDF) and writes, “this handy reference tool will empower any library staff member to provide patrons with information on compatible eBook readers.

The eBook Devices Cheat Sheet includes info the Barnes & Noble nook, the Sony Reader, and the Kobo eReader. It also includes info about accessing/reading eBook materials from OverDrive using Windows and Mac desktop and laptop computers.

Access “Cheat Sheet” (1 page; PDF)

Source: Digital Library Blog

Via Resource Shelf


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