small_anb_logo.pngReceived an email from Antonio Cangiano in Canada about a new free service he’s offering. It looks like a great idea. You can check them out here. This is from their website:

What is Any new books?
‘Any new books?’ is a free notification service that was developed to alert you to new books in categories of your choice. You can currently select from 42 categories that span a broad range of subjects (you’re free to pick however many categories you’d like). For each category that you select when you sign up, you will receive one weekly digest of hand-picked new book releases. The selection process is not automated, because we believe a human editor is better able to pick books that will better appeal to a wide audience.

Why did you start this service?
We were looking for a similar service for ourselves, however we were unable to find one and so decided to build just such a service in order to promote new books for fellow readers. We use the service ourselves and have designed it so as to be something that we genuinely love using.

Who are you?
We are a small team of people who are passionate about reading and books. We are located in Canada, but primarily service an English-speaking public at this time. You can contact us at any time by email at Our mailing address is: 1800 Sheppard Av. E Unit 2075, PO BOX 80082 RPO Don Valley Village, Toronto, ON, M2J 0A1, Canad



  1. This free service could be very useful, especially if the human editors do the job of ignoring the corporate-publisher hype, and distinguishing the good from the not-so-good. For years, I’ve asked my local library to offer an email list of their new books — but they have never been able to find the funding to do it.

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