From the press release:

MELBOURNE, Australia (June 25th, 2012) / eBook company – eBooks International – announces the official launch of their community dedicated specifically to the advancement and promotion of New Zealand eBook Authors. This community provides a free platform for NZ authors to reach and interact with a global audience.

eBookAuthor.co.nz provides the author with an array of tools and features to promote their eBook and build their author brand online. Authors can list their author name, eBook titles, publisher details, eBook price, upload eBook trailers, author website or blog address, provide sample chapters, and add a description for their eBook and much more. Links will also be added to the author?s page that lead directly to all major online eBook shops where interested readers can purchase their eBook.

eBooksInternational.co Founder, David Horne, stated that; “We are proud to announce the launch of eBookauthor.co.nz which is dedicated to helping NZ authors gain greater publicity for their eBooks. Based on the success of our Australian eBook author directory we have now launched our NZ site. We have had a beta version of our site up for several months and during this time it has attracted many New Zealand authors and viewers to the site. After tweaking certain aspects and features on the site based on feedback, we have now officially launched our website. Our online community will allow authors to showcase their eBooks to their target audience and as a result we will hopefully soon see more NZ authors achieving greater success on the international stage.”

eBookAuthor.co.nz provides a more powerful search tool to find the eBooks and authors they are looking for. Viewers can search for their favourite eBook by category or by the author?s name. It is also a way for NZ readers to support local authors.

eBookAuthor.co.nz is owned and operated by Australian digital publishing
company eBooksInternational.co

For more information visit the New Zealand eBook Author Community at


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