Well, we’re up and running on the new site.  Aside from the new look (which has been tested to death – I’m told) we have moved to a new, higher speed provider and have also significantly upgraded the servers.  The site certainly seems much faster to me.

As to the future, we are working on adjusting the “Comments” box to add a few more, but be sure to click the “More comments” link at the bottom of the box to get a lot more of the latest comments.

If you find any bugs please leave a comment here so they can be squashed.


  1. Paul I hope that some of the suggestions submitted at the start of the last testing session are in the works.. such as enhanced text for comments and an easier captcha. It is very hard to quote etc with this format. Otherwise congrats on the new format and I hope this time it keeps going 😉

    • Paul I hope that some of the suggestions submitted at the start of the last testing session are in the works.. such as enhanced text for comments and an easier captcha. It is very hard to quote etc with this format. Otherwise congrats on the new format and I hope this time it keeps going 😉

      Just FYI, HTML does still work in these comments, and has for some time. For instance, I quoted the above using <blockquote>. It’s not really any harder than the square-brackets text emphasis methods in BBCode web bulletin boards.

The TeleRead community values your civil and thoughtful comments. We use a cache, so expect a delay. Problems? E-mail newteleread@gmail.com.