netronix_booq_kobo_wifi_fcc-540x370 Slashgear reports on a new, WiFi-equipped model of “Booq” e-reader from Netronix, revealed due to an expiring confidentiality agreement with the FCC. Back in June, Slashgear reported this device would likely show up as the next model of Cool-ER, the Cool-ER Connect. Of course, that was before Cool-ER had to declare bankruptcy—but as we reported last week, Cool-ER’s marketing director says not to count the company out of the running yet.

It may also show up as a new, WiFi-equipped model of Kobo Reader. (The current Bluetooth-only Kobo is based on the current, WiFi-less Booq platform.)

It is interesting to note the current movement toward adding WiFi to many e-reader platforms—either ones that started out with the more expansive 3G, or ones that had little or no connectivity at all before. It reminds me of the movement toward adding phone connectivity to PDAs that ended up killing off the PDA altogether (before Apple reinvented it with the iPod Touch). Is Sony going to be left out in the cold? (Well, all right, I know that one of the Sony Readers has WiFi, but it’s definitely in the minority.)


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