Sad news has been going around that “Adult Wednesday Addams,” the very marvelous fanmade online video series created by comedy actress Melissa Hunter, has been killed at least for the present by a copyright flag from the Tee & Charles Addams Foundation, which has taken it off air.

“As many of you have seen, the Tee & Charles Addams Foundation flagged the show and, for now, it is off of YouTube,” Melissa Hunter posted on Facebook. “I am working actively on coming to a resolution and will not let Wednesday be caged in internet purgatory. I appreciate your patience and support while I sort this issue out!”

Sure enough, the Youtube channel for the series is now just a string of deleted videos. This came just a short while after a successful crowdfunding campaign for a second series of the show closed in December 2014, giving some idea of just how popular it was.

“Adult Wednesday Addams Season 2 Campaign: 300% funded!” the announcement of the successful fundraise ran. “The Wednesday Addams campaign has officially ended, with over 300% of the goal reached! It’s really unbelievable, and I am so grateful for the outpouring of support to make Season 2 happen. Production begins December 5th and the seven-episode season will kick off Wednesday January 28th!”

“The Addams Family, both its individual characters and the Family in its entirety, have a long history of selling products, in print ad campaigns and television commercials alike – from typewriters to Japanese scotch, from designer showcases to perfume, from paper towels to chocolate candies, and all that lies in between,” runs the Foundation’s website. It’s a pity that in this case their vision didn’t stretch just a little wider than crass commercial considerations. Wednesday would have known what to do with them…



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