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From the press release:

Nu-book, the leading North American provider of ereading applications for the publishing industry announced today the launch of its ereading technology platform for Android smartphones.

Recently, Nu-book announced the availability of its ereading platform on Android tablets; launching this app is a natural extension of the company’s goal to cover as many devices as possible for maximum benefit of the company’s publishing partners and their readers.

The Nu-book ereading platform, compatible with the iPad and Android-based devices enables publishers to maintain control over their content and its distribution, ensuring an optimal purchasing and reading experience and used by a variety of North American trade, specialized, and educational publishers, is the brainchild of a team of developers and specialists with a long-standing experience in the print and publishing industry.

“For nearly two years, Nu-book has given publishers the opportunity to establish or maintain a direct link with their readers. Since the dawn of the eBook revolution, we have firmly believed that new publishing technologies and devices are key to bringing publishers and their customers closer together,” said François Guérard, President of Nu-book. “Indeed, publishers are on the cusp of D2C (direct to consumer) initiatives—and Nu-book’s platform can seamlessly help them in the transition.”

About Diffusions Nu-book
Through its unique and innovative business model, Nu-book allows publishing houses to take control of their eBook ecosystem. Nu-book offers an effective and profitable solution for publishers who want to bring their front- and back-lists into the digital realm. The company also offers white label services. With over 40 years experience providing publishing and print production technology and services, Nu-book has a true, in-depth grasp on the book business. Its headquarters are located in Québec, Canada. For more information: www.nu-book.com.


  1. This is an imitation of the Amazon formula. Defuse the objection to closed, proprietary formats by having an app on every important platform. Naive users will never be inconvenienced as long as they stay on the right side of this economic fence and that is fairly easy to do. Amazon should be flattered.

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